What happened?

On day one of the new administration an Executive Order was signed and suspended the Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP), effectively ending refugee arrivals to the United States. All refugee admissions will be suspended, with rare case-by-case exceptions, starting January 27. The program will be re-evaluated every 90 days, with no requirements for when it must re-start.

How does this impact refugees?

The refugee admissions program will be shut down. Refugees will not be admitted, and exceptions will be very hard to obtain. People who have been waiting for years will be forced to wait for an indefinite amount of time, potentially never receiving the opportunity to leave behind the persecution they have experienced. There will be huge implications for global humanitarian efforts as agencies scramble to assist those waiting to settle into their new homes and Jewish Family Services of WNY and our clients will feel the impact of this declaration. We already have been working to help separated families understand the full impact of the Executive Order, functionally keeping families separated. 

Despite this horrific interruption to the work that we have done since WWII, JFS remains resolute in our mission to provide culturally competent care to refugees and immigrants in our community. While our work may shift in scope, our efforts will continue.  

Watch the video below to see our statement and learn more about how you can support our life-saving programming.

Here's how you can help:

Support our push to expand state funding for refugees.

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